YAMAHA FX-HO / Cruiser 1.8L 2008-2013 Plug-In EJK Fuel Tuner Controller
2008-2013 FX-HO Models
If you plan to modify your YAMAHA the Electronic Jet Kit E.F.I. Control Unit is a must. This easy-to-use control unit plugs directly into the OEM wiring harness between the ignition and fuel injection system providing control of the engines fuel management system.
. The Controller will deliver increased acceleration, stronger mid-range, and increased top speed performance by delivering a higher performing air to fuel ratio (A.F.R.)
If quicker acceleration and stronger mid range power and the ability to have your cake and eat it too, then the Controller is for you.
The Controller will allow you to adjust the fuel to either run green or mean.
The Controller interfaces with the stock E.C.U., and fuel injectors allowing piggy back adjustments to the fuel table.
The Controller comes pre-programmed and coded to safely alter the fuel map right out of the box for plug and play performance.
The Controller allows custom fuel tuning to cruise, acceleration, and top end zones.
Quicker acceleration, stronger mid-range, and increased top speed performance is the result when the A.F.R. is tuned for optimum performance.
The Controller is fully adjustable to accommodate and properly performance tune the A.F.R. for any combination of aftermarket parts.
Key Features:
- Allows addition of fuel required with engine modifications without upsetting stock fuel map.
- Integrated dials provide easy adjustment and fine-tuning of fuel delivery curve without external programming devices.
- LED lights indicate fuel delivery settings while tuning
- Won’t interfere with craft’s stock sensors and inputs.
- IJSBA Stock, Limited & Superstock/Open Class Legal.